If you have ongoing or extreme anxiety, chronic pain, skin conditions, or sleep disorders, and prefer holistic options versus harsh medicines, see the experts at Reliviance based in Roseville, California. Serving patients nationwide, Tom Hopkins, MD, and his staff provide CBD therapy consultations to find out which Reliviance cannabidiol (CBD) products are best suited for you. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book one online today.
What is a CBD therapy consultation?
A CBD therapy consultation at Reliviance is an in-person or virtual meeting with a provider to determine if you’re a candidate for treatment with Reliviance CBD products sourced from the cannabis plant. Such CBD products don’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the part of the plant that causes a feeling of being high. Reliviance products are third-party tested for purity and quality to ensure they are safe, contain superior ingredients, and are highly effective for treating numerous physical and mental health conditions.
Are Reliviance CBD therapy consultations right for me?
Reliviance CBD products are highly effective in reducing:
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Inflammation
- Chronic pain
- Sleep disorders
- Skin conditions
Such products are available in the form of oral drops, creams, body oils, foot sprays, and body sprays. To find out which products or services are best suited for you, CBD therapy consultations are vital.
What should I expect during CBD therapy consultations?
During Reliviance CBD therapy evaluations, you can expect:
- Medical History Review – Your Reliviance provider discusses your personal and family medical histories. This includes past and current diagnoses, symptoms, medications, lifestyle habits, and more. During a psychiatric evaluation, your specialist asks questions about your mood, thoughts, behavior patterns, and emotions.
- Physical Exam – During a physical exam, your specialist looks for signs of illnesses, skin conditions, and chronic diseases that may benefit from Reliviance CBD products.
- Diagnostic Testing – If needed, your provider may utilize diagnostic testing to confirm a diagnosis and detect or rule out other medical problems. Your provider may recommend blood tests, joint fluid testing, nerve tests, or imaging procedures.
- Treatment Recommendations – Your Reliviance specialist offers CBD treatment recommendations after evaluating your overall physical and mental health. They also let you know what to expect when using CBD products.
What happens after CBD therapy consultations?
After CBD therapy consultations and as you begin CBD therapy for anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, skin conditions, or chronic pain, it’s important to use CBD products exactly as directed by your provider in recommended dosages. You might use oral drops, topical creams, foot sprays, body sprays, or body oils for massages. Follow up with the Reliviance specialists as needed to ensure your treatment works as designed. To schedule Reliviance CBD therapy consultations, call the office or use the online booking tab today.